Contra Vision® Performance™ Standard and HD Translucent White TWPAG30 and TWPAG40HD
Product Focus Performance White on Black 20 Performance White on Black 20 is part of Contra Visions premium The product is manufactured to exacting standards to provide high quality printing minimal shrinkage and problem-free installation and removal. W applied to the outside of windows with the graphics facing outwards and the black side facing inwards. Maximum vibrancy to the printed image maximum privacy and maximum protection from solar heat gain. We recommend Performance White on Black for use on longer term applications vehicle graphics and any other arduous applications. 20 transparency provides maximum vibrancy to the printed image maximum privacy and maximum protection from solar heat gain glare and UV radiation. The level of through-vision is still acceptable for most static applications particularly with full window coverage. The thickness and durability of the polymeric vinyl formulation means that an overlaminate is only needed in locations where the graphics will be exposed to rain andor dirt where constant through-vision is an essential Application on a high entrance panel chemical washing. Product name Performance White on Black Product code WBPRG20 Transparency 20 8020 Application Outside Roll width 54 inch Roll length 30 ft 150 ft Primary uses Building Wraps Outdoor Advertising Please note this product is NOT suitable for UV printing. If you need to print with UV please use WBPAG40. Application on a balustrade Product Name Performance White on Black Product Reference WBPRG20C Page Revision Date Replaces Authors 12 2 CVNA 01 February 2019 D RAS Description Performance WBPRG20C is a White on Black perforated self adhesive vinyl with 20 transparency and a removable pressure-sensitive adhesive featuring a Replacement Liner with Grayliner technology. This film allows an image to be seen on the outside of a window while allowing viewing through from the inside. This promotional film features an unperforated paper liner and is intended for solvent eco-s
olvent and latex inkjet printing and screenprinting. Typical Properties PROPERTY VALUE Face film Warm White on Black laminated polymeric calendered pvc Film thickness Hole pattern 7.1 mil 0.4 mil 180m 10 m 20 transparency 0.06 1.50mm diameter holes Transparent solvent polyacrylate 0.99 ozyard2 0.09 ozyard2 28gm2 3gm2 Unperforated Replacement Liner. White paper grey PE and silicone coated on top side only backprinted with Contra Vision Performance branding. 5.64 ozyard2 0.18 ozyard2 160gm2 5gm2 Adhesive Liner Liner weight Application temperature Peel adhesion 24 hours Peel adhesion 1 month Removability Durability Shrinkage Service temp Shelf life Minimum 39F 4C air and substrate 14.4 ozIn4N25mm Printed film on glass typical value 18 ozin 5N25mm. Printed film on glass typical value Minimum 12 months clean removability without adhesive residue at 73F to 77F 23C to 25Cand RH of 50-60 3 years Durability stated is for unprinted and untreated material correctly applied to an inert vertical substrate subject to MidEuropean weathering conditions. Some printing inks and drying or curing regimes may reduce the expected lifetime of the printed graphic. Please consult your ink manufacturer for guidance. Incorrect application methods inadequate window cleaning and preparation and incompatible window treatments may reduce the expected lifetime of the applied material whether printed or unprinted overlaminated or unlaminated. Mechanically sustained damage chemical damage and UVdegradation to printed unprinted laminated or unlaminated material may also reduce expected durability. Typical application life is eighteen months. All perforated window films are especially vulnerable to damage along the edges and corners which may lead to premature failure. x direction 0.6 y direction 0.6 FTM14 -13F to 149F -25C to 65C 3 years Under ordinary condition at temperature of 72F 22 and relative humidity of 50-55 Other info Copyright Contra Vision North America Inc. 2019
ProductName Name Product PerformanceWhite Whiteon onBlack Black Performance ProductReference Reference Product WBPAG40C WBPRG20C Page Page Revision Revision Date Date Replaces Replaces Authors Authors 22 22 CVNA 22CVNA 01 February2019 2019 01 February DD RAS RAS Regulations Regulations Somecountries countriesand andregions regionshave havelaws lawsor orregulations regulationsrequiring requiringminimum minimumlight lightpassage passagethat thatmay maylimit limitor orpreclude precludethe theuse useof ofthis this Some product on vehicle windows. The user is responsible for determining and complying with all applicable standards. product on vehicle windows. The user is responsible for determining and complying with all applicable standards. SubstrateRecommendations Recommendations Substrate Thisproduct productisisnot notrecommended recommendedfor foruse useon onglass glasswith withcoatings coatingssuch suchas asanti-reflective anti-reflectiveself-cleaning self-cleaningand andscratch-resistance scratch-resistance This which may be damaged during film removal. which may be damaged during film removal. ApplicationRecommendations Recommendations Application Applythe thefilm filmusing usingaadry dryapplication applicationmethod. method.Surfaces Surfacesto towhich whichthe thematerial materialwill willbe beapplied appliedmust mustbe bethoroughly thoroughlycleaned cleanedfrom from Apply dustgrease greaseor orany anycontamination. contamination.Final Finalclean cleanwith withsoap soapand andwater. water.Rinse Rinseand anddry dryglass glassafter aftercleaning. cleaning. dust Notto tobe beapplied appliedto tofresh freshpaint paintor orink inkpolycarbonate polycarbonaterubber rubberplastic plasticmoldings moldingsand andcertain certainPVCs. PVCs.InIncase caseof ofdoubt doubtplease pleasetest test Not prior to final application. prior to final application. Thisproduct productisisnot notrecommended recommendedfor foruse usearound aroundaasharp sharpangle anglewhere wherethere therei
sisaalimited limitedarea areaeither eitherside sideof ofthe theangle. angle. This Thefilm filmmust mustnot nottouch touchthe therubber rubberwindow windowmolding. molding.IfIftwo twographic graphicpanels panelsmeet meetside sideby byside sideon onaawindow windowcarefully carefullytrim trimthe thefilm film The sothat thatthe thepanels panelsmeet meetand andform formaabutt buttseam. seam.Do Donot notoverlap overlapthe thepanels. panels. so Observethe theminimum minimumapplication applicationtemperature temperatureand andthe thegraphics graphicsshould shouldnot notbe bewashed washedwithin within24 24hours hoursof ofapplication. application. Observe PrintingRecommendations Recommendations Printing Universal Liner construction correctly printed eliminates thewith bridging over the perforated holes thaton can occur with UV and curing Replacement Liner construction is not recommended for use UV curing inkjet printers. Depending the brand of ink inkjet printers and Replacement Liner construction. density of the print bridging can occur over the perforated holes after removal of the Replacement Liner in relatively dark After of printing theThis ink must be thoroughly dry including the perforated holes to avoid any contamination particularly areas a design. is eliminated with Universal Liner. in We therefore recommend Universal Liner for UV inkjet printing.during lamination. After printing the ink must be thoroughly dry including in the perforated holes in order to avoid any contamination particularly during lamination. Contact Information Contra Vision North America Inc. Supplier Tel. 1 770 993 6262 3330 Cumberland Blvd Suite 500 Email Atlant a USA Web This document is intended as a source of information is given without guarantee and does not constitute a warranty. Purchasers should determine prior to use the suitability of the product their intended purpose. This document is independently intended as a source of information is
given without guarantee andfor does notspecific constitute a warranty. Purchasers should All trademarks this datasheet are product Contra Vision Ltd specific intended purpose. independently determine prior to use thein suitability of the for their All trademarks in this datasheet are Contra Vision Ltd CopyrightContra ContraVision VisionNorth NorthAmerica AmericaInc. Inc.2019 2019 Copyright