Discover the NYCAST Advantage NYCAST NYLOIL NYCAST NYLOIL FG Only NYLOIL from CAST NYLONS LIMITED offers various grades of self-lubricating Nylon bearing material tailored to meet your specific application. A cast nylon with built-in oil lubrication NYLOIL provides superior machinability performance and durability compared to other plastic and traditional bearing materials. These grades of NYLOIL are available to fit the most demanding applications original green NYLOIL for most bearing applications food-grade Natural NYLOIL-FG for direct contact with food. The incorporation of an oil lubricant package into the nylon matrix provides significant advantages over other bearing materials Lubrication results in 25 lower coefficient of friction than other grades of nylon Performs in harsh environments where lubrication is difficult impossible or not desirable food contact Works successfully in marine applications. Reduced water absorption promotes higher dimensional stability. Works and machines as easily as brass. Oil will not spin out dry out or drain out even under the harshest operating conditions. During NYLOILs manufacturing process an oil lubricant package is completely dispersed within the cast nylon matrix making it an integral part of the castings structure. NYLOIL-FG is a self lubricating nylon bearing material which meets the provisions of FDA Regulations 21 CFR Section 177.15 and others and USDA 3A Sanitary Standards 20-17 for direct contact with food. This is a particularly useful material where additional lubrication is not desirable because of clean ability contamination or other considerations. Product Data Sheet NYCAST NYLOIL NYCAST NYLOIL FG Chart 1 comparison coefficient of friction different materials measured on thrust washer testing machine unlubricated 40 fpm and 50 lbin2 Dimensional Stability With their higher crystallinity all NYCAST products exhibit improved dimensional stability compared to their extruded nylon counterparts. But NYLOIL p
rovides even better dimensional stability than regular grades of cast nylon Its oil droplets fill gaps in the amorphous structure of the polymer allowing less room for water to be absorbed into these areas. The moisture absorption graph shows that despite a slow absorption rate NYLOIL stabilizes at approximately 2.5 moisture content - less than half the moisture content of other unfilled nylons. Product Data Sheet NYCAST NYLOIL NYCAST NYLOIL FG Property Units ASTM Test Method NYCAST NYLOIL NYCAST NYLOIL FG Specific Gravity gcm3 D 792 1.14 - 1.15 Tensile Strength psi D 638 9500 - 11000 Tensile Elongation D 638 35 - 55 Tensile Modulus psi D 638 375000 - 475000 Compressive Strength psi D 695 13500 - 15000 Compressive Modulus psi D 695 325000 - 375000 Flexural Strength psi D 790 14000 - 16000 Flexural Modulus psi D 790 375000 - 475000 Shear Strength psi D 732 8000 - 9000 Notched Izod Impact ft.lbsin. D 256 14 - 18 Hardness Rockwell R D 785 110 - 115 Hardness Shore D D 2240 74 - 80 Psi-ftmin - 16000 F D 3418 430 - 10 D 696 5.0 10-5 D 621 0.7 3.0 264 psi F D 648 200 - 300 66 psi F D 648 300 - 400 Continuous Service Temperature F - 230 Intermittent Service Temperature F - 330 D 1894 0.12 Limiting Pressure Velocity Melting Point Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion Deformation Under Load Deflection Temperature Coefficient of Friction Dynamic Water Absorption 24 Hours D 570 0.4 - 0.6 Saturation D 570 4.0 - 5.0 Dielectric Strength vmil. D 149 500 - 600 60 Hz D 150 3.7 1000 Hz D 150 3.7 1 MHz D 150 3.7 Dielectric Constant The facts stated and recommendations contained herein are based on experiments and information believed to be reliable. No guarantee is made of the accuracy however and the products are sold without warranty expressed or implied and upon the conditions that purchasers shall conduct tests to determine suitability for their intended use. 2014 Cast Nylons Limited Nycast Nyloil and Nymetal are registered trademarks of Cast Nylons Limited.