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Acrylic Shapes

Piedmont Plastics carries a variety of acrylic shapes, known as profiles, used in aquariums, exhibits, displays and more.

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In addition to sheet products, acrylic can be extruded or cast into a variety of plastic shapes, known as profiles. These include round acrylic rod, tube, z-bar, w-bar, and hinge profiles, among others. A cast acrylic profile is made from material poured into a mold, while an extruded acrylic profile is pressed out of a machine or die. Each method offers different advantages.

Cast acrylic tube is easily machined and offers superior clarity, durability, and light transmission, and is unaffected by sunlight. Extruded acrylic tube is more cost-efficient and used in POP displays, exhibits, aquariums, and various arts and crafts applications. Cast acrylic rod is extremely durable, but half the weight of glass, and is easy to fabricate. Extruded acrylic rod is again less expensive, and stands up well to outdoor exposure without showing wear. Many of the acrylic shapes are designed into POP retail displays and shoe risers/shelves for slat-wall applications.

Piedmont Plastics carries a range of both cast and extruded acrylic shapes and we offer cut-to-size services to help suit our products to your application.

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